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DFF File Extension [How to open? Players Converters 2024]

DFF files

Files with .dff extension may contain data in different formats. Read below what is DFF files and how to open them.


Author: Yuri Korzunov,
Audiophile Inventory's developer with 25+ year experience in digital signal processing,
author of the articles that make audio easy for beginners



Watch and share: How to convert DFF to DSF



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What is DFF?

Data types inside computer's .dff files:

  • DFF audio file (DSDIFF, .dff extension) is DSD music file format for audiophile and other recordings. Read below about features, sound quality, format comparisons, and how to open DFF audio file: convert, play, edit.
  • .dff file may contain a 3-D model in the RenderWare format. It is used in games. It may be opened in Blender with DragonFF plugin, Zanoza ZModeler.


Watch and share: What is DSD audio? Definitive explanation


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DFF format audio consists of data blocks (chunks). There are 8 standard types of chunks. [1]

A non-standard chunk may be embedded into DFF file. However, if a reading application can't recognize the chunk, it is skipped.

There is the chunk with absolute start time. It may be useful in professional applications.


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Channel number

Channel number of .dff audio file is limited by the abilities of the channel-number field in the channels chunk of the format. Channel mask with reserved channel types ("Left", "Right", etc.) is applied. And there is a custom reserve range for other types of channels.

Also, there is a separate loudspeaker-configuration chunk (optional).


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Audio data

DSD (uncompressed) and DST compressed sound data are stored differently:

  • DSD sound data is stored as a single chunk;
  • DST sound data is stored as information chunks and frames. The frame consists data and frame CRC chunks.


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Metadata (track, album names, performer, artwork, etc.) chunk may be added to DFF as a non-standard chunk (data block). But the only application, that can recognize the metadata block, will read and display it.


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How do I open DFF files

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How to play DFF files

To play .dff files, you can use audio player devices and sofytware.

  1. Audirvana (Mac)
  2. Amarra (Mac, Windows)
  3. Foobar 2000 (Windows)
  4. JRiver (Mac, Windows, Linux)
  5. More dff players...

DFF file audio players can transmit sound stuff into 1-bit DSD DAC as is. Also, DFF file may be converted inline ("on fly") to PCM for playback at PCM DAC.


PCM to DSD conversion and DSD to PCM cause quality losses.

Alternatively, DFF file may be pre-converted to PCM offline (non-realtime) via audio converter software. Offline conversion is not limited by time of CPU calculations and "heavy" precise algorithms may be used.

Also, some DFF player compatibility issues are known: channel number, metadata artwork size or others.

For audio players, that are stereo capable only, conversion multichannel DFF 5.1 to stereo is used.


Read more about DSD players >


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How to convert DFF

Read how to convert .dff files in different file formats:

  1. DFF to FLAC Converter >
  2. DFF to DSF Converter >
  3. DSF to DFF Converter >
  4. DFF to DSF Conversion on Mac OSX, Windows, Linux >
  5. How convert DST compressed DFF under Windows (User Guide) >


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DFF converter software

  1. AuI ConverteR 48x44 (Mac, Windows)
  2. Audiogate (Mac, Windows)
  3. Foobar 2000 (Windows)
  4. JRiver (Mac, Windows, Linux)
  5. dff2dsf (Mac, Windows, Linux)
  6. dsf2dff (Windows)
  7. More converters



Watch and share: How to convert DFF to FLAC mp3 WAV AIFF others on Mac Windows



  1. Utility to convert DSF from/to DFF (Mac, Windows) dffdsf download here.
  2. Utility to convert DFF to DSF (Windows, Mac, Linux) dff2dsf download here.



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How to edit DFF

This format may be edited 3 steps:

  1. conversion DFF to PCM,
  2. editing into PCM audio editor,
  3. conversion PCM to DFF back.

To minimize losses, PCM 32- or 64-bit float is recommended.

Multiple or non-multiple PCM sample rate does not matter to pro audio conversion software.

Target sample rate defines the maximum band of a musical signal.

As a general recommendation, you can use PCM sample rate 176.4/192 or 352.8/384 kHz.

Read more about DSD editing here...



How to Open DFF File Extension [Players. Converters. Edit]


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Sound quality

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What is the difference between DSF and DFF?

Read article DSD vs DSF vs DFF Files Audio. What is difference...

DSF vs. DFF is not a complex matter. Because both formats are very similar.

Comparison DFF and DSF

Feature DSF DFF
Audio content Binary identical to DFF Binary identical to DSF
Lossless compression no DST
Sample rate DSD64, DSD128, DSD256,... DSD64, DSD128, DSD256,...
Bit depth 1 1
Multichannel Yes Yes
Metadata Standard way Non-standard data block, can cause compatibility issues

DFF and DSF are binary identical in DSD audio data.

DSF allows saving metadata standard way (DSF audio player applications capable read it, as rule).

Multibit DSD samples are not so important for sound quality. Read more about bit depth and sample rate >

Both formats allow flexible configuration for multichannel files.

Warning: some software can convert DSF to DFF or back with audio modifications (non-bit-perfect mode). So checking every converting tool is recommended.

Read about comparison DSD files (infographic) >



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DFF versus PCM (FLAC, WAV, AIFF, etc.)

The sound quality of files is defined:

  • as management abilities of quantization-noise for DSD modulator and
  • quality of filtering in the demodulator.

It is completely like DSF vs PCM.

In general, DFF and PCM are the same things. But DFF uses minimal bit depth (1-bit).

The minimal bit depth causes minimal dynamic range. To expand the dynamic range noise shaping (pushing noise energy out of audible frequency band) is used.

But pushing the energy demands reserve of the total frequency band of an audio signal. Thus, DFF uses a higher sample rate.


Watch and share: DSD vs FLAC comparison


Read details:


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Where can I get .dff files

DFF files may be available from several sources:

  1. Sometimes, you can find .dff audio file downloads. DSF music downloads are more popular.
  2. And, you can convert DSF to DFF losslessly.
  3. You can rip SACD to DFF.
  4. SACD ISO file may be converted to DFF.


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Frequently Asked Questions

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DSD files F.A.Q.

What is DFF audio format?

DFF audio format is DSD high-resolution music file format. Also, it is format for graphical applications.
Read more about audio format comparison...

What are DSD music files?

DSD music files are audio file types in high resolution. Read more...


What is the difference between DSF and DFF?

In contrast DFF, DSF files have advanced support for metadata. Read more...



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Sound quality F.A.Q.



Is DFF lossless?

Yes. DFF is a lossless audio format. Read details...


Is DSD better than FLAC?

Both formats are audiophile ones. Read what is better DSD or FLAC...



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Convert DSD F.A.Q.



How do I convert a DSF file?

You can convert DSF files:



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Play DSD F.A.Q.



How do I play DFF files on PC?

You can play DFF files on a PC via audio player software...


Read also
  1. DSD vs DSF vs DFF Files Audio >
  2. What Inside DSD Converter of Audio Files >
  3. Which is best audio file format >
  4. DSF File Format Audio. DSF File Extension >
  5. FLAC file format >
  6. Audio converter >
  7. ISO converter [1-bit audio] >
  8. CD ripper audio >
  9. Metadata editor >
  10. Tutorials >
  11. Audio Basis - educational program >


  1. DFF specification

Audio Basis - articles about audio


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