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Audio Codecs for AuI Converter 48x44


AuI ConverteR 48x44 has native (built-in) formats: WAV, AIFF, AIF, FLAC, DSF, CUE, CD-audio (AIFF/CDA). CDA is supported under Windows only.
All other audio format codecs are free independent command line utilities, which are provided by third parties and do not included in AuI ConverteR. Nobody guarantee availability of these third-party codecs and these formats may become unsupported.
Read details in End user license agreement.
To expand format range, you can add your codec utility. The codec should be a command line utility, compatible with AuI ConverteR.
Read how to install and/or adjust codecs for your requirements.



WARNING: AuI ConverteR can automatically download and install third-party codecs by opening audio files or selecting output format after user confirmation. Manual codec installation may cause wrong work of the converter.

Auto downloadable codec should be registered in the .ini files with codec lists for input or output. As an alternative, you may manually install codec and link it with AuI ConverteR.

Codecs that contain in the AuI ConverteR's .ini files are examples only.

You can replace these codecs to other ones, that are compatible with AuI ConverteR.
AuI ConverteR provides studio-quality resampling, dithering and other audio processing core (gapless, clickless modes, etc.) core with user-friendly graphical interface.

Unfortunately, any third-party codec is beyond our control. And, it may be unavailable, changed, lost compatibility with AuI ConverteR at any time. It may lead to a loss of support for some file formats. You may backup downloaded and installed codecs that are located in the codecs folder according to the codec's license agreement.

Here free codecs compatible with AuI ConverteR 48x44 are described.

How to link an external command-line encoder to AuI ConverteR 48x44 is described below.


How to connect codecs  to AuI ConverteR

AuI ConverteR 48x44's external codecs
Codec connection to AuI ConverteR via command line


By default path for automatically downloaded and installed codec is located here:

For Windows (hidden directory)

<REPLACE TO LETTER DISK WITH WINDOWS>:\Users\<REPLACE TO YOUR WINDOWS USER NAME>\AppData\Local\com.audiophile-inventory\AuIConverteR48x44\

Example (Windows placed on disk C:, current user name Alex):



For Mac OS X (hidden directory)

/Users/<REPLACE TO YOUR MAC’s USER NAME>/Library/Application Support/com.audiophile-inventory/AuIConverteR48x44

Example (current user name Alex):

/Users/Alex/Library/Application Support/com.audiophile-inventory/AuIConverteR48x44


Codec path settings


You can set custom path to auto downloaded and installed codec's directory:

1. Click Settings button in AuI ConverteR's main window. Settings window appears.

AuI ConverteR settings window - Misc tab

2. Click on Misc tab.

3. Click ... button next Directory for installing codecs field. And select the directory.

4. Click OK button in Settings window.

5. Restart AuI ConverteR.


You can install the codec manually in another directory.


Links to codecs


mp3 encoder Lame

Encode wav to mp3.

Download page (Mac, Windows).

Recommended Output converter command line params:

-b 256 -h %inputfile% %outputfile%


Multiformat codec

Encode and decode wav, alac, ape, mp3, ogg, m4a/mp4 (aac), wma, ac3, dts

Download (Windows)

Download (Mac OS X)

Recommended Input converter command line params

-y -i %inputfile% %outputfile%


Recommended Output converter command line params

ALAC (m4a)

-y -i %inputfile% -c:a alac %outputfile%

AAC (m4a)

-y -i %inputfile% -c:a libvo_aacenc -ab 240k %outputfile%

AC3 (ac3)

-y -i %inputfile% -c:a ac3 -b:a 256k %outputfile%

DTS (dts)

-y -i %inputfile% -strict -2 -c:a dca %outputfile%

MP3 (mp3)

-y -i %inputfile% -ab 320k -metadata genre=%genre% -metadata date=%year% -metadata track=%tracknumber% -metadata title=%tracktitle% -metadata album=%album% -metadata artist=%artist% -metadata copyright=%copyright% -metadata TIT3=%description% -metadata album_artist=%albumartist% -metadata publisher=%publisher% -metadata composer=%composer% -metadata performer=%conductor% -metadata TIT1=%groupdescription% -metadata disc=%disknumber% -metadata TKEY=%initialkey% -metadata TBPM=%beatsperminute% -metadata language=%language% -metadata encoder=%encoder% -metadata encoded_by=%encodedby% -id3v2_version 3 -write_id3v1 1 %outputfile%

OGG (ogg)

-y -i %inputfile% -acodec libvorbis -aq 90 %outputfile%

WMA v.2 (wma)

-y -i %inputfile% -c:a wmav2 -ab 320k %outputfile%


DFF to WAV decoder

Decode DFF to WAV (with own decoding). Don't use it for Audiophil-E and above. There used DFF to DSF utility.

Download dff decoder (Windows)

DSF to DFF decoder

Recode DSF to DFF.

For 8.x and later versions:

Used with PROduce-RD or Modula-R's [output D64/128] and/or [output D256/512] and/or [output D1024]

Download dsf to dff decoder (Mac, Windows)


For older versions:

Used with PROduce-RD or Modula-R's [output D64/128] and/or [output D256/512]

Download dsf to dff decoder (Windows)

ISO [1-bit HD audio] decoder (sacd_extract utility)

Decode ISO to DSF

Download (Windows)

Download (Mac OS X)

Read license >


DFF to DSF converter

Convert (repack without resampling) DFF to temporary DSF

For 8.x and later versions:

Download dffdsf [Mac, Windows]


For older versions:

Download (Windows, Mac OS X)

Author's page >


How Install Codec Manually?

Input decoders and output encoders may be installed and connected to AuI ConverteR in different ways. Some codecs can demands right for creation temporary files in installing directory.


Install input decoder

1. Download codec that you need by the link above according to your operating system.

2. Unpack codec to some folder (folder of the codec further).

    If the codec has installer, run it and perform installation.

3. Run AuI ConverteR. Click Settings button. Settings window appears.

4. For connecting to AuI ConverteR input decoder in Settings window select Input formats tab (to connect the output encoder go to that point):

AuI ConverteR settings - Input formats

5.  If you want to replace one of the existing decoders, select the wanted extension from the drop-down Input file format list (top left of the Input formats tab).

If you want to add a new decoder:

- click Add button;

- enter the name of the new file extension in Displayed name and File Extension fields.

6. Click ... (3 dots) button close to Input converter executable field and select the executable file from the folder of the codec (what was downloaded and installed in goals 1-2).

7. Change or enter/set command line parameters of the executable (goal 6) in Input converter command line params field.

8. Click OK button of Settings window.



Install output encoder

1. Download codec that you need by the link above according to your operating system.

2. Unpack the codec to some folder (folder of the codec further).

    If the codec has an installer, run the it and perform the installation.

3. Run AuI ConverteR. Click Settings button. Settings window appears.

4. For connecting to AuI ConverteR output decoder in Settings window select Output formats tab:

AuI ConverteR settings - Input formats


5.  If you want to replace one of existing encoders, select wanted extension from drop-down Output file format list (top left of the Output formats tab).

If you want to add a new encoder

- click Add button;

- enter name of new file extension in Displayed name and File Extension fields.

6. Click ... (3 dots) button close to Output converter executable field and select executable from the folder of the codec (what was downloaded and installed in goals 1-2).

7. Correct or set/enter command line parameters of the executable (goal 6) in Output converter command line params field.

8. Click OK button of Settings window.






How to install INI-files for earlier versions manually

Links for auto downloading and installing of third-party codecs may be brocken with time. If the codec is available now, link to is changed. Below, you can download and replace ini-file to its actual copy on your computer.

However, old versions doesn't support download via https:// protocol and such downloadings may not be available more. If the codec is available on the current moment and still compatible with AuI ConverteR, you can download and install it manually.

IMPORTANT: Some codecs may become non available and/or incompatible with AuI ConverteR.


Download links for ini-files

Version 4.x Mac:   extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini

Version 5.x Windows:  extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini

Version 5.x Mac:   extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini

Version 6.x Windows:  extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini

Version 6.x Mac:   extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini

Version 7.x Windows:  extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini

Version 7.x Mac:   extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini

Version 8.x Windows:  extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini

Version 8.x Mac:   extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini


Version 9.x Windows:  extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini

Version 9.x Mac:   extensions_in.ini    extensions_out.ini



Read also

  1. sacd_extract [Install on Mac, Windows]
  2. dffdsf [Install on Mac, Windows]
  3. Auto Codec Downloading and Installing to Convert ISO >