
Command Line Control

PROduce-RD, PROduce-R and Audiophil-E, Modula-R (optional) version

ConvProQT.exe [-s] [source file 1] [-s] [source file 2] ... [-s] [source file N] [-sdir] [source directory] [-subdir] [-dstd] [dest directory] [-fmt] [output file(s) format] [-sr] [sample rate] [-bd] [bit-depth] [-fntpl] [file path name template] [-dth] [-nocls] [-sepm] [-maxcpu] [maximal CPU number] [--flt_opt]|[--flt_nopt]|[--flt_nopt_w] [--minphase]|[--linphase] [--dntmkdsp]|[--mkdsp] [--iso_stereo]|[--iso_mch] [--iso_ch_selonly]|[--iso_ch_avail]

Keys list:
= next argument is source file
source file 1 ... source file N = input file in single quotes ('c:\File Path\File.wav')
-sdir = source directory
source directory in single quotes ('c:\File Path'). If source directory has '\' symbol at end (c:\File Path\), then replace last single quote (') to (/'). For this case path written ('c:\File Path\/' or 'c:/File Path//').
-subdir = source directory include subdirectories
-dstd = next argument is destination directory
dest directory = destination directory (see more about destination directory)
= next argument is sample rate
sample rate = 44 / 48 / 88 / 96 / 176 / 192 = output sample rate (default: 44)
-bd = next argument is bit-depth
bit-depth = 16 / 24 / 32 / 64 / 32f / 64f = output bit-depth (default: 16), 'f' is float
-fmt = next argument is format of output files
output format = WAV / FLAC / AIFF = format of output files (default: WAV). Or user's custom format as in listbox Format of user interface. Case insensitive.
-dth = Dither ON (only for [bit-depth] equal 16 bit) (default: OFF)
-nocls = No close after processing ON (default: OFF)
-sepm = Suppress "End processing" message ON (default: OFF)

[-maxcpu] [maximal CPU number] - Maximal number of used CPUs. If the number is more available cores, the available core number will used instead. Availavle since v.8.4.5.

[--flt_opt]|[--flt_nopt]|[--flt_nopt_w] - resampling filter: Either "Optimized" or "Non-optimized" or "Non-optimized wide". Choose one of options only. Availavle in v.8.x and higher.

[--minphase]|[--linphase] - "Minimum phase resampling filter" (for "Optimized" mode only) or "Linear phase filter". Choose one of options only. Availavle in v.8.x and higher.

[--dntmkdsp]|[--mkdsp] - "Don't make DSP for same input and output sample rates" (bit-perfect) or "Do DSP always". Choose one of options only. Availavle in v.8.3.4 and higher.

[--iso_stereo]|[--iso_mch] - "Extract stereo tracks of ISO" or "Extract multichannel tracks of ISO". Choose one of options only. Availavle in v.8.3.4 and higher.

[--iso_ch_selonly]|[--iso_ch_avail] - "Extract track of only selected type (stereo or multichannel), nothing is no available" or "Extract track of any available type". Choose one of options only. Availavle in v.8.3.4 and higher.

-fntpl - File path name template. Template is placed after the key. Availavle in v.8.4 and higher.

Remark: Keys are case sensitive. Use only lower case. Command line functionality depend on the converter configuration.

Example I:

ConvProQT.exe -s 'D:\Test\Source file\File 1.wav' -s 'D:\Test\Source file\File 2.wav' -fmt AIFF -sr 48 -bd 16 -dth -sepm -nocls

Converted files:
1) D:\Test\Source file\File 1.wav
2) D:\Test\Source file\File 2.wav

Output directory is default:
D:\Test\Source file\ConvertResult

Output format: AIFF with sample rate 48 kHz and bit-depth 16 bit.

Dither is ON. "End processing" message is suppressed. After processing windows no closed.

Example II:

ConvProQT.exe -dstd 'Sweep Results' -s 'D:\Test\SRC comp\Sweeps\Sweep 44100.wav' -s 'D:\Test\SRC comp\Sweeps\Sweep 88200.wav' -sr 48 -bd 24 -dth -nocls -sepm

Converted files:
1) D:\Test\Source file\File 1.wav
2) D:\Test\Source file\File 2.wav

Output directory is default:
D:\Test\Source file\ConvertResult

Output format: WAV with sample rate 48 kHz and bit-depth 16 bit.

Dither is ON. "End processing" message is suppressed. After processing program terminated.