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Warranty Rules - AuI ConverteR 48x44

What is Extra Warranty

With Standard Warranty you can get free technical support and all minor version updates (example: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) during 1 year  since AuI ConverteR purchasing. The major updates are paid.

"Extra Warranty" is paid 1-year license expansion for purchased Modula-R or PROduce-RD (unlimited-time with paid major updates) license. Read details below.

With Extra Warranty (-) you can get the Standard Warranty and free major-version updates (example: 1.x, 2.x, 3.x) during 1 year since AuI ConverteR Modula-R/PROduce-RD's purchasing date, or since the end of the previous paid Extra Warranty term.

For Modula-R edition, the first 1-year term of Standard or Extra Warranty begins on the purchasing date of the first-bought core module that is installed on computer with given AuI ConverteR Modula-R instance.


Before Extra Warranty ordering:

  • purchase Modula-R or PROduce-RD license.
  • Modula-R or PROduce-RD license must be bought after [see table below]; or
  • for your Modula-R or PROduce-RD license, purchased Extra Warranty period is active on purchasing date of the next Extra Warranty term.
  • CAREFULLY READ the table below with purchasing conditions.

If you want to update Modula-R module kit with price lesser than Extra Warranty, contact us.

EXTRA WARRANTY (1-year term)

* All prices on this page are in U.S. dollars without V.A.T. and other applicable taxes and fees. The prices are recommended. Information on this page is not a public offer.

  Warranty 1 year
Feature Standard Extra
Period of action 1 year since software purchasing 1 year, starting from the date of AuI ConverteR purchasing (save -%*)
1 year, starting from the end of the previous paid term of Extra Warranty.
Technical support + +
Update minor versions (right digits by most left dot:1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1) inside the purchased major version (digits that left of  most left dot: 1.x, 2.x, etc.) Free Free


Update major versions (digits that left of  most left dot: 1.x, 2.x, etc.)

Requires new license purchasing for all updated modules. All modules on one computer should have identical version.

Modula-R module kit is kit of unique license keys for purchased modules. The module is activated via purchased unique license key.

The module kit cannot contain 2 and more keys that refer the same module type.
Example: two "Base (core)" modules (their keys) cannot be included into one module kit.


Free major update during paid term of Extra Warranty for Modula-R module kit, that is installed on one computer.

1 item of the Extra Warranty is applied to 1 Modula-R module kit, that is installed at 1 computer.


Update major versions (digits that left of  most left dot: 1.x, 2.x, etc.)

Requires new license purchasing.

Free major update during paid term of Extra Warranty for 1 license key.

1 item of the Extra Warranty is applied to 1 license key.

License keys  

After the major update, license key(s) of the previous version(s) is(are) cancelled and may not be used.

If license key uses activation, Audiophile Inventory may set the already used key as compatible with latest purchased update.

Functionality expanding of Modula-R edition

To expand Modula-R functionality, module license key(s) may be ordered separately.

The software version number, that you already use, may no longer be for sale. You can buy a license key for a new module with version number, that is on sale now (new key).
You can ask us for the new-key replacement1 to key with the version number, that you already use. This replacement is free.

1 This new key is canceled after the replacement. For the replacement, the module must be compatible by functionality with the version number, that you already use.


You have AuI ConverteR Modula-R in version 9.x.

You have bought 11.x-version license key  for a new module.

You can contact us to replace this 11.x-version key with 9.x one.

After the replacement, the 11.x-version key is canceled.

If this 11.x-version module is not compatible with functionality of AuI ConverteR 9.x-version , the replacement may not be applied.

Usual way of new module purchasing during paid term of Extra Warranty.

* When order Extra Warranty together with AuI ConverteR license (at AuI ConverteR's order page, add "Extra warranty 1 year for AuI ConverteR 48x44" to cart).

Expected profit of Extra Warranty

For 3 year (approximately 3 "Major versions")

Expected profit of Extra Warranty AuI ConverteR 48x44
Profit per year
(to compare with bank)
General profit -
Investment in product
with Extra Warranty
Investment in product
with Standard Warranty



* All prices on this page are in U.S. dollars without V.A.T. and other applicable taxes and fees. The prices are recommended. Information on this page is not a public offer.



Warranty agreement


"Author" Yuri Korzunov (,;
"Product" is AuI ConverteR software by the Author;
"Major versions" is digits to the left of the most left dot of version number of the "Product";
    Example: X.yy, XX.yy.zz, where X and XX are "Major versions";
"Minor versions" is digits to the right of the most left dot of version number of the "Product".
    Example: X.yy, XX.yy.zz, where yy and yy.zz are "Minor versions";
"Major update" is update from lesser to higher Major version;
"Minor update" is update from lesser to higher Minor version inside single Major version;
"Customer" is customer of "Product".


Parts of Agreement

The "Author" and the "Customer".


Standard warranty


  • included in price of "Product"

Period of validity:

  • during 1 year, starting from the purchasing date of the "Product".

Condition of purchasing:

  • Purchased with the "Product".


  • Technical support (if after purchased "Major version", the next "Major version" is released, the tech support gives advices only).
  • Free "Minor updates" inside the purchased "Major version".
  • Paid "Major updated".


Extra warranty

Price: -

* All prices on this page are in U.S. dollars without V.A.T. and other applicable taxes and fees. The prices are recommended. Information on this page is not a public offer.

Period of validity:

  • during 1 year, starting from the purchasing date of the "Product", or
  • during 1 year, starting from the end date of the last paid 1-year period of Extra Warranty.

Condition of purchasing:

Extra Warranty 1-year term may be:

  • purchased with the "Product", or
  • purchased during 1 year since the "Product" purchasing, or
  • purchased during paid 1-year term of Extra Warranty.


  • Technical support
  • Updating minor and major versions in period of action of Extra Warranty.


Other statements

The "Author" can change the warranty conditions unilaterally without notification of the "Customer".

The previous major versions are not modified.

If the "Author" stop or suspend update release by any reason and no major update release during paid Extra Warranty term(s), there is no refund for this(these) term(s).

After Major update, the new license is replacing the old one. Your old replaced license keys cannot be used after the update.